Hi, I'm Markus!


I have a strong enthusiasm for all things computers and tech, and I'm actively working towards becoming a skilled software and web developer. With a background in English literature and a lifelong fascination with electronics since my childhood, I've spent a lot of time exploring various forms of media and technology. After finishing my degree, I've had a significant shift in perspective - from that of being a consumer to wanting to be a creator. This has sparked a desire in me to not only excel in programming, but to also to use it as a means to express my creativity and personal interests! 🚀

Hats I wear:
  • growing software/web developer
  • avid home cook
  • occasional creative writer
  • devoted cat lover (favourite HTTP cat: 425)


Food Finder

A web-app that gives users suggestions for dishes, then finds and saves recipes for dishes that the user "swipes right" on to a database.

Image Converter

A Python program that applies greyscale or other filters to images. Uses OpenCV, Scikit-learn and colour quantization.

Hangman Game

A hangman game built in Python that runs in terminal. List of words can be edited!

To-Do List

A to-do list web-app written using HTML, CSS, and JS. Items can be created, deleted, and marked as complete.

Friday: Discord Bot

A basic Discord bot, with instructions on how to set it up and add features. Uses NodeJS.

Jump-Five Cypher Decrypter

A simple Python program that decrypts and encrypts numbers using the simple jump-five cypher.

Contact me!